Adding a Gift

A Gift is a charitable donation. There are several different types of gifts. For example, stock, soft credit, in-kind, matching, and so forth are terms all associated with gifts in the fundraising world.

Note: A customer record for the Organization or Individual making the donation must already exist in the CRM database. Once added, the customer may then be added as a Constituent while adding a gift.

Adding a Gift

To add a gift, complete the following steps and sections:

  1. Go to the Fundraising module.
  2. Click the Gifts group item to display the list of available group item links.
  3. Click the Add Gift group item link.The Add - Fundraising Gift page appears.
  4. Complete each of the sections, outlined below, to complete the adding a gift process.

Note: The form used for adding a gift is fairly long and has multiple sections. The steps listed below for Adding a Fundraising Gift will be broken down by section, however, you must complete all of the required fields on the form before you will be able to save the new Fundraising Gift.

Completing the Constituent Information Section

To complete the constituent information section of the Add - Fundraising Gift page, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the following fields as necessary:
  2. Field Required? Description
    constituent Required Enter the first few letters of the constituent's name in the constituent field and click the Search icon. A list of constituents matching the search criteria will appear. Click the name of the constituent from the list to populate the constituent field.
    anonymous Optional

    Click the anonymous check box if the donor does not with to receive public recognition.

    If you select the anonymous check box, the donor’s record for this gift will have an indicator (used for reporting purposes) to show that the donor does not want recognition (for example, mention of their donation in an event program or brochure). To add a truly anonymous gift, you would need to create a record in CRM for an Anonymous Individual or Anonymous Organization.

    recurring? Optional Click the recurring? check box if the gift is going to be set up as a recurring gift.
    frequency Optional

    If the recurring? check box is checked, the frequency field will appear. Expand the frequency field to select how often the gift will recur.

    The following frequencies are available:

    • Monthly
    • Every 2 Months
    • Quarterly
    • Every 4 Months
    • Semi Annually
    • Annual
    • Twice per Month
      • If you choose Twice per Month, the first date and second date fields appear allowing you to indicate which days of the month the gift payment will be made.
    solicitor Optional Enter the first few letters of the individual who solicited this gift in the solicitor field and click the Search icon. A list of individuals matching the search criteria will appear. Click the name of the solicitor from the list to populate the solicitor field.
    outstanding pledges Optional

    This field will display a list of outstanding pledges for the selected constituent.

    Click the Search icon to display a list of all outstanding pledges from the constituent listed above.

    Click the outstanding pledge you wish to add a gift towards and that pledge will populate the outstanding pledges field. Any other fields that have been set up for that outstanding pledge will also be populated on the Add - Fundraising Gift page.

    event title Optional Enter the first few letters of the event this gift will be associated to in the event title field and click the Search icon. A list of events matching the search criteria will appear. Click the name of the event from the list to populate the event title field.
    pledges schedule Optional

    The pledges schedule field will only display drop-down will display any pledges schedules the constituent has currently set-up and are available for selection. At this time, only installment pledges appear as choices.

    recognize as Optional The recognize as field displays the default recognize as value as set in the constituent profile for the constituent of this gift. This will dictate how the constituent would like their name to appear in a listing of those who made contributions.
    previous values Optional The previous values drop-down menu will be populated with all of the previous recognize as values used for this constituent. You may override the default recognize as value by selecting a value from the previous values drop-down menu.

  3. Proceed to the Source / Fund Code Information section of the Add -  Fundraising Gift page.

Completing the Source / Fund Code Information Section

To complete the Source / Fund Cod Information section of the Add - Fundraising Gift page, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the following fields as needed:
  2. Field Required? Description
    fund code Required Expand the drop-down menu and select the fund code that this gift will contribute to. If a campaign, appeal, and package are associated to the product, they will automatically populate the campaign code, purpose code, package code, and appeal code drop-downs
    source code Optional Expand the drop-down menu and select the source code associated to this gift.
    purpose code Optional

    The purpose code drop-down menu will appear if the fund code selected is associated to a purpose code. When the purpose code drop-down menu appears, the source code menu disappears.

    The values available in the purpose code drop-down menu are assigned to the fund code. If no values are available it means no purpose code was associated to the fund code.

    This field may auto-populate based on the fund code selected. If more than one choice is available you may expand the drop-down menu and make the selection.

    campaign code Optional

    The values available in the campaign code drop-down menu are assigned to the fund code. If no values are available it means no campaign code was associated to the fund code.

    This field may auto-populate based on the fund code selected. If more than one choice is available you may expand the drop-down menu and make the selection.

    package code Optional Expand the drop-down menu and select the package code that is associated to this gift.
    appeal code Optional

    The values available in the appeal code drop-down menu are assigned to the fund code. If no values are available it means no appeal code was associated to the fund code.

    This field may auto-populate based on the fund code selected. If more than one choice is available you may expand the drop-down menu and make the selection.

  3. Proceed to the Gift Information section of the Add -  Fundraising Gift page.

Completing the Gift Information Section

To complete the Gift Information section of the Add - Fundraising Gift page, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the following fields as needed:
  2. Field Required? Description
    tribute honoree Optional

    A tribute is a gift that is made in honor or memory of an honoree. After the donation is made, an acknowledgment is sent to the notificant who is usually a family member or close friend.

    Enter the first few letters of the individual who is the honoree for this tribute gift in the tribute honoree field and click the Search icon. A list of individuals matching the search criteria will appear. Click the name of the honoree from the list to populate the tribute honoree field.

    If this field is used, the recognition fields will not be needed since the honoree, tribute fund, gift date, and suggested amount will already be completed for you if the fund is assigned when setting up the tribute.

    tribute Optional If a tribute honoree is selected, the tribute field will appear with the tribute assigned auto-populated. You may edit this field if needed.
    recognition Optional Expand the drop-down menu and select the type of recognition being associated to this gift.
    name Optional

    Enter the first few letters of the individual who is being recognized for the gift in the name field and click the Search icon. A list of individuals matching the search criteria will appear. Click the name of the individual being recognized from the list to populate the name field.

    If the person being recognized does not have a record in netFORUM you can enter their name in the accompanying text field.

    gift type Required

    Expand the drop-down menu and select the type of gift being added.

    gift date Optional

    This field defaults to today's date, but can be modified if needed.

    gift amount Optional If a suggested gift amount is assigned to the product code for the fund code selected, it will auto-populate this field. You may edit this field if needed.
    tax deductible amount Optional

    The tax deductible amount field automatically populates with the gift amount, but can be edited if needed.

    premium selection Optional

    Premiums are (taxable) gifts given to a donor in exchange for a (non-taxable) donation. Examples of premiums include merchandise such as a t-shirts or publications. Premiums can also include taxable portions of fundraising events or sessions such as the cost of dinner at a banquet or greens fees for a golf outing.

    Expand the drop-down menu and select the premium associated with the new gift.

    notes Optional If applicable, enter any notes regarding this gift in this field.

  3. Proceed to the Corporate Matching Information section of the Add -  Fundraising Gift page.

Completing the Corporate Matching Information Section

To complete the Corporate Matching Information section of the Add - Fundraising Gift page, complete the following steps:

Note: In order for the match program drop-down menu to display any Match Programs, the constituent (selected above) must be a linked individual to an organization sponsoring a corporate match program. If the constituent selected is not linked to an organization participating in a corporate matching program, the match program drop-down menu will be blank.

  1. Complete the following fields as needed:
  2. Field Required? Description
    match program Optional

    Expand the match program drop-down menu and select the appropriate Match Program. If the match program is not present in the drop-down menu, you may enter it in the other field.

    other Optional Enter the name of the corporate matching program if it is not displayed in the match program drop-down menu.
    form complete? Optional Click the check box if all paperwork regarding the corporate match program is completed.
    date sent Optional

    Enter the date the paperwork for the corporate match program was sent off.

    date received Optional

    Enter the date the paperwork regarding the corporate match program was received.

  3. Proceed to the Acknowledgement section of the Add -  Fundraising Gift page.

Completing the Acknowledgment Section

To complete the Acknowledgment section of the Add - Fundraising Gift page, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the following fields as needed:
  2. Field Required? Description
    send Optional

    The send field allows you to specify whether you would like to send your acknowledgment via email, regular mail, or both.

    Click the appropriate check box(es) to specify which method should be used to send the acknowledgment.

    correspondence template Optional

    Expand the drop-down menu and select the correspondence template that will be used for the acknowledgment. If you do not select a correspondence template no acknowledgment will be sent.

    Correspondence templates provide the content and structure for the message and are created in the Marketing module.

    acknowledgment note 1 Optional

    You have the ability to add up to two personalized messages that will be attached to the acknowledgment message.

    Acknowledgment notes can be spliced into the correspondence template that is used for the gift confirmation. This will pull the text entered in these fields into the gift confirmation message.

    Enter the first acknowledgment note in the acknowledgment note 1 field.

    acknowledgment note 2 Optional Enter the second acknowledgment note in the acknowledgment note 2 field.

  3. Proceed to the Payment Information section of the Add -  Fundraising Gift page.

Completing the Payment Information Section

To complete the Payment Information section of the Add - Fundraising Gift page, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the following fields as needed:
  2. Field Required? Description
    batch Required Select an existing batch form the drop-down list or add a new batch by clicking the add icon.
    po number Optional Enter a po number. Enter up to 50 characters, numbers or letters.
    type Required

    Gifts will always default to prepaid. This corresponds with the notion that gifts are given with money in hand, whereas pledges refer to future giving.

    payment Optional Expand the drop-down and select the payment being made.
    transaction date Required Enter or select a date for the transaction.
    payment method Required Select a payment method from the drop-down list. Depending on what payment method you select, you see some of the fields in the table below.
    payment amount Required Enter the amount you are paying for this payment.

  3. Based on the payment method you chose, additional fields will display on the Payment Information section. Complete these fields as needed:
  4. Payment Method Field Required? Description
    Cash reference number No Used for cash payments as a tracking number.
    check / TeleCheck name on check Yes Enter the full name on the check.
    check / TeleCheck check number Yes Enter the number on the check.
    TeleCheck account number Yes Enter the checking account number.
    TeleCheck routing number Yes Enter the nine-digit routing number.
    TeleCheck drivers license number No Enter the driver's license number of the account holder.
    TeleCheck social security number No Enter the social security number of the account holder.
    Credit Card cardholder's name Yes Enter the full name on the card.
    Credit Card card number Yes Enter the full credit card number.
    Credit Card expiration date Yes Select an expiration date.
    Credit Card CVV No Enter the credit card security code from the back of the card.
    Credit Card/TeleCheck cc/check street No Enter the street address for the billing address associated to the account.
    Credit Card/TeleCheck cc/check city No Enter the billing address city.
    Credit Card/TeleCheck cc/check state & zipcode No Enter the billing address state and zip code.
    Credit Card/TeleCheck cc/check email No Enter the email address for this account.

Soft Credit Recipients

The Soft Credit Recipients section of the Add - Fundraising Gift page displays those members of a relationship that will be awarded a soft credit gift based on the gift being added. Soft credit recipients can be added manually, or they will be auto-populated based on the relationship they have with the donor making the gift.

Note: netFORUM does not validate the soft credit amount. For instance, netFORUM allows users to enter a soft credit amount that is more than the original gift amount. This allows each organization to determine its own rules governing soft credits.

Manually Adding a Soft Credit Recipient

To manually add a soft credit recipient, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Add icon located in the Soft Credit Recipients section of the Add - Fundraising Gift page.The Add - Soft Credit Receipient pop-up window appears.
  2. Complete the following fields as needed:
  3. Field Required? Description
    recipient Yes Enter the first few letters of the recipient's name in the recipient field and click the Search icon. A list of potential recipients matching the search criteria will appear. Click the name of the recipient from the list to populate the recipient field.
    amount Yes Enter the amount to be awarded as a soft credit in the amount field.
    soft credit type No Expand the drop-down menu and select the type of soft credit being awarded.
    related gift key No Enter the key of the related gift.
    send email confirmation No Click this check box to send an email confirmation informing the recipient of their soft credit gift.
    template No Expand the drop-down menu and choose the correspondence template to use for the email confirmation.

  4. Click the OK button.The soft credit recipient appears in the Soft Credit Recipients section of the Add - Fundraising Gift page.

Automatically Added Soft Credit Recipients

If a recipient is eligible for a soft credit based on a relationship they have with the constituent named above, they will automatically appear in the Soft Credit Recipients section of the Add - Fundraising Gift page. While recipients will automatically appear in this section, there is some editing that must be done before the gift is submitted.

To edit a soft credit recipient's information, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Edit icon next to the name of the soft credit recipient.The Add - Soft Credit Recipient pop-up window appears.
  2. Modify the following information as needed:
  3. Field Required? Description
    recipient Yes This field will be auto-populated with the name of the recipient listed in the soft credit recipient's section of the page. This can be edited if needed.
    amount Yes Enter the amount to be awarded as a soft credit in the amount field.
    soft credit type No Expand the drop-down menu and select the type of soft credit being awarded.
    related gift key No NEED DESCRIPTION OF THIS FIELD.
    send email confirmation No Click this check box to send an email confirmation informing the recipient of their soft credit gift.
    template No Expand the drop-down menu and choose the correspondence template to use for the email confirmation.

  4. Click the OK button.

Gifts may also be added by going to the Constituent Profile and clicking the Add Gift icon.